A 360° approach 🎯

Fundamentals + Live + Futures ensure young people have full circle support to be active, build skills, launch projects and have employment opportunities.

Discover our Delivery Areas and scroll down to learn how we work.

A 360° approach 🎯
Delivery Area #1


Sport and life skills development to help young people beat their barriers to be physically active, such as body confidence, teamwork and self belief.

Delivery Area #1


What Young People Gain

Enhanced essential, technical and transferable skills giving them confidence to be active and equipping them for life.

Skills We Deliver Include
  • Creative Thinking
  • Empathy
  • Leadership
  • Perseverance
  • Communication
  • Resilience
  • Adaptability
  • Responsibility
  • Self Efficacy
  • Coaching
  • Listening
  • Feedback
  • Production
  • Analysis
What It Looks Like
  • Sport and activity sessions
  • Workshops
  • Virtual delivery
  • Experience days
  • Holiday and term time programmes
  • Residentials
  • Young people creating content
  • Events
  • Resources

This is active learning that puts the fun in Fundamentals, co-created with young people themselves. If you're an organisation looking for support, we can tailor this to the specific needs of your young people.

Case Study

Daughters & Dads Activity Films

Practical film resources reframing perceptions of exercise for girls

Daughters & Dads Activity Films


Delivery Area #2


Co-creating with young people to develop, design and deliver real-world projects that help other young people be active, and stay active.

Delivery Area #2


What Young People Gain

Increased understanding of their own ability, professional project opportunities and a stronger, more informed voice to effect change.

Project Themes We Deliver Include
  • Activating spaces and facilities
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Youth social action and activism
  • Community development
  • Mentoring
  • Activity programmes
  • Digital participation and eSports
What It Looks Like
  • Sport and activity sessions
  • Workshops
  • Virtual delivery
  • Environmental design
  • Sportswear and products
  • Industry and company upskilling
  • Young people creating content
  • Events and activations
  • Resourcess

Projects fill delivery gaps of existing programmes or start from the ground up, innovative, disruptive and galvanising all sectors connected to physical activity. Co-created with young people who you already support, for those you want to engage.

Case Study

Active Snap

The youth co-created card game helping families and young people be active (may contain fun)

Active Snap


Delivery Area #3


Paid employment opportunities, work support and career pathways for young people within the sport and sport-associated sectors – embedding talent to help the next generations.

Delivery Area #3


What Young People Gain

Greater access to a diverse professional network, new paid work opportunities and understanding of career pathways for young people to achieve their employment goals.

Employment Roles We Deliver Include
  • Embedded youth steering teams
  • Mentoring
  • Work experience
  • Internships
  • Apprenticeships
  • Freelance projects
  • Part time employment
  • Full time employment
What It Looks Like
  • Youth co-created programmes
  • Workshops
  • Online learning
  • Industry meet and greets
  • Anti-job fairs
  • Reverse mentoring

We connect organisations to a future workforce that has unfathomable potential to change the health and happiness for the next generations to come. If you’re a sport-associated organisation: technology, music, fashion, health or of course in the sport sector, how can you benefit from young people’s expertise in your team?

Case StudyComing Soon

Sports Leadership Academy

An employability programme for 100x young Londoners aged 14-24 from hard to reach communities, to break into the sports industry

Sports Leadership Academy

How we work 🪄


Youth co-creation is non-negotiable

We go well beyond consultation, we don’t tick boxes and we don’t cut corners when working with young people, everything is made with them, for them. If you work with us, you’ll do the same.

Our youth co-creation mindset, approach and methodologies make sure every young person we support receives respectful, culturally relevant and fun experiences.


Challenging charity conventions

We have integrity, a responsibility and instincts to do things differently to help young people, we just happen to be a charity.

Choosing to never stop learning about what makes young people tick means they interact with us as a charity, but also as fans.

Delivery Areas


Multi-disciplinary delivery

We are adaptable, organised, proactive and ambitious with what we deliver, because young people don’t just live a 9-5 life. Identifying and engaging with partner delivery providers to complement our support.

Our working practices and outcomes are creative, innovative and can be scaled to any scenario. Underpinned with end to end oversight, efficient project management and production.


Collaborating with young people you reach, for those that you don’t

We work directly with the existing young people you support to deliver our projects and programmes.

By co-creating with them, they feel empowered, but also become the connectors and catalysts for their friends, peers and those who are not yet engaged with physical activity.

Delivery Areas


Building a youth movement

We are actively creating a community of young leaders who are collectively responsible for themselves and for the next generations to come. Inviting every young person we help to be supported by us beyond their first interaction.

Starting with Coaches Corner, we also connect with other organisations’ youth boards, lassoing up the sport and sport-associated sectors – to create change, together.


Real impact measurement

We deliver the impact reports, but we also uncover and highlight individual stories of young people that have benefitted from our work. Discovering their commonalities to the next young person and the next – to evaluate, learn and continuously progress our support.

As a creative charity, we challenge ourselves on how we bring to life our impact and storytelling: photography, film, writing, podcasts, but always representing youth stories as youth stories.

Proud to be working with 😄

Help us change young people’s lives by supporting our essential work.

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