2 min read
My lived experiences created my purpose – to use creativity and work directly with young people so they can be active.
I first really discovered sport aged 7, basketball specifically, which has become my life-long passion as a player, coach and fan. The video games, sneakers, jerseys and trading cards sparked a love for design.
Between the ages of 13-16, I experienced family and home life issues that no child should ever have to go through, so basketball and creativity was how I dealt with what I was experiencing.
But at school in P.E. I was told I could only play hockey, rugby, or football.
Don't worry, League Leaders works across all sports but muddy sneakers and basketball, well, you know. 😂
The careers advisor also told me I would ‘fail’ if I wanted to pursue a career in the creative industries as a designer.
As a young person I wasn’t being listened to, supported or nurtured and certainly not given opportunities to work directly on solutions to the barriers I faced.
Stacking up against NBA legend Vince Carter, I still had a bit of growing to do
The seed was planted … from college to university, including work experience across London, Berlin and Tokyo whilst studying, and since graduating, I’ve been working directly with young people in classroom, community and professional settings.
Developing creative youth co-creation methodologies centred around physical activity, helping young people to be active, to learn how to play, as well as think.
I believe that if we co-create with young people, the real experts, that’s how genuine change will be made. 🌍
I’m giving young people the support and opportunities that I didn’t have.
This is why I started League Leaders, welcome.
Paul Jenkins
Founder & CEO, League Leaders
Expertise spans: Food and Nutrition, Entrepreneurship, Sport for Development, Youth Work, Finance, Creative Direction, Media, Fashion, Technology, Programming
Co-founder & CEO, FINDS
Director of Programmes, ACE Programme Charity
Director of Strategic Partnerships and Delivery, Mayor's Fund for London
CEO, Volleyball England
Deputy Director of Behaviour Change, Cycling UK
Communities Project Manager, Mayor's Fund for London
League Leaders is the answer not only for young people to better engage with physical activity, whilst gaining life and employability skills, but also for everyone connected to sport to be led by those who know best – young people.
Imagine trailblazing young people helping review, design and launch projects to give themselves and every young person the right to design how they are physically active.
The potential for our work is unfathomable.
Director of Strategic Partnerships and Delivery, Mayor's Fund for London
Expertise spans: Technology, Arts, Teaching, Mentoring, Youth Work, Fashion, Media, Strategy, Youth Consultancy, Programming
Advisors provide non-binding strategic advice and promote the charity.
Co-founder & Manager Director, Friday Takeaway
Learning Zone Manager, Wembley Stadium
Strategic Lead, Children and Young People, London Sport
Did you know? 😲
Our Trustees and Advisors are UK, Europe and US based, bringing a global perspective.
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