Future Satellite Club Workshops
- Fundamentals
Helping youth organisations improve their in-person (and digital) delivery
Satellite Clubs was a Sport England funded programme (London Sport distributing the funding) – focused on local physical activity and sport clubs, designing around the physical activity needs of young people.
Youth organisations involved provided new opportunities for young people aged 14-19 to get active, giving them the chance to regularly take part.
To deliver workshops for South-East based Satellite Club youth organisations, helping them think differently and improve their in-person, as well as online delivery, of physical activity sessions.
Centred around creative thinking and youth co-creation in being vital to achieve this,
Youth organisations involved were from London Youth and Sported's networks.
Youth organisations collectively developed:
- Combined online and offline delivery strategies
- An understanding of the importance in engaging with young people and ensuring their involvement planning
- Imaginative and agile delivery ideas
- Methodologies for testing delivery ideas with young people
- And understanding of the importance of building in social time during delivery
- How to create content and communicate about their new approach
10x youth organisations
participated in the workshops
Participants received a youth research pack
following their involvement
Attendees discovered a youth-led need
for their activities
Workshops brought youth organisations together
to share ideas, connect and inspire each other

I enjoyed the workshop, meeting people from other youth organisations in a relaxed but positive atmosphere. We all came away with new ideas and strategies.
It has made me look at how we can support and engage the young people we work with outside of our physical basketball coaching sessions and I also really liked the references to popular culture and young people's views integrated throughout the content presented.
I'd recommend League Leaders to sports organisations who need to look at what they are doing for young people from a different perspective as I have now gained the confidence to implement new ideas for our young people.
Bridget Hayward, ex-Trustee, Surrey Scorchers Foundation (workshop participant)
Stakeholder testimonial 😌
It was important for us to encourage participants to think differently about youth delivery, learn from others and consider the benefits of adapting new approaches.
The workshops helped develop their ideas and we strongly believe they will remain relevant and be embedded within our members’ future work.

Chris Sawyer
ex-London Strategic Lead, Sported
Another stakeholder testimonial 😎
What made these workshops a success was the truly collaborative approach embraced by the organisations involved, so the end results can have the greatest possible impact for their young people.

Lawrence Roots
ex-Grants & Governance Manager, London Sport
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Delivered for