Co-creating new Brent sport facilities with young people

1 min

Co-creating new Brent sport facilities with young people

“PlayZones need to be able to bring communities together through renovation, to keep the wrong people away to allow community harmony.” – Ervin, 16

We’re working on the Football Foundation’s PlayZones programme for young people in Brent to have their say and create their own ideas for new physical activity spaces being built across the borough. Supported by StreetGames, Sport at the Heart and Mayor’s Fund for London.

We ran a Design Hackathon where young people participating:

👉 Decided where sports areas should be located

👉 Curated their own facilities wish list

👉 Designed the environment around the areas

👉 Had their say on film which activities should take place

There were also sport taster sessions for those who wanted to give an activity a try as well as food and drink available.

Thank you to all the young people who gave their insights and to our Brent-based young project assistants we recruited and paid, supporting the delivery – Eva, Jacob, Ervin and Luigi. 🙌

Full report and case study coming soon.

Co-creating new Brent sport facilities with young people
Co-creating new Brent sport facilities with young people
Youth assistant Ervin wrote about his experience of taking part / on the programme aims, featured in our project report.

Youth assistant Ervin wrote about his experience of taking part / on the programme aims, featured in our project report.


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